Standard Mindfulness and Effortless Mindfulness – What’s the Difference? with Loch Kelly

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Show notes:

What’s here now if the peace you’re seeking is already here? In this episode, Loch examines the differences between standard mindfulness practices, which create a meditation state, and direct recognition nondual practices, like Effortless Mindfulness, which uncover the loving awake consciousness that’s already here within us (without the hours of meditation). Learn to upgrade your operating system by recognizing the nature of mind and shift into a new awareness-based knowing.

You can now explore all of Loch Kelly’s practices and teachings on the new Mindful Glimpses app. This innovative meditation and wellness app offers daily micro-meditations, step by step programs, and simple-yet-advanced tools for awakening. 

Loch Kelly is the creator of the Mindful Glimpses app, award winning author, psychotherapist, and meditation teacher known for his unique practical methods that support awakening as the next natural stage of human development. Backed by modern neuroscience and psychology, Loch introduces Effortless Mindfulness, an ancient form of nondual meditation that allows immediate access to our embodied awake nature which arises as calm, clarity, and compassion.

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