In this interview with Josh Summers, host of the Everyday Sublime podcast, Loch and Josh explore the practice of effortless mindfulness and how to immediately glimpse the awake mind.
This is the first of a four-part interview series with Loch.
See Part 2 of the interview here »
From the cloud [of egoic, thought-based identity] we can drop below it, we can shift above it, or behind it, or to the side of it, to discover that we are also the sky.
—Loch Kelly
Listen to the Pocast
About the Everyday Sublime Podcast
The Everyday Sublime podcast, hosted by Josh Summers, explores Yin Yoga and meditation as refinements of awareness. The purpose of the podcast is to illuminate the theory and practice of Yin Yoga, Chinese Medicine, and meditation as three interwoven tools for apprehending the “Everyday Sublime.” As Stephen Batchelor says, “the mystical does not transcend the world, but saturates it.”
Josh Summers, E-RYT500, Lic. Ac., Founder of Summers School of Yin Yoga, is a Yin Yoga teacher, a licensed acupuncturist, and a meditation instructor. He leads workshops, trainings, and retreats throughout the United States and Europe.
Books and Audio by Loch